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Conference Quick Links
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The 2024 MECRA conference registration form for our annual conference is open!  The conference will be held September 11th, 12th, and 13th at Treetops Resort and Spa in Gaylord, Michigan.


We would welcome and LOVE to see some new faces!  Please consider attending the conference this year.  We have great speakers and an abundance of information to help everyone be the best we can in our daily jobs!!! 

For those people that cannot attend the conference, you can register to attend virtually through Zoom.  We know that courts from time to time have coverage issues and we believe in continued education for our members.


Please note the following deadlines:


  • Conference registration and lodging reservations deadline is August 14, 2024.

  • The room rate is $135.21 per night plus applicable taxes. 

  • Be sure to visit the resort website for a full list of accommodations for the room you have selected at 

  • Nominations for MECRA officers and Court Reporter of the Year are August 28, 2024. Visit the MECRA website conference tab for instructions.


If you have any questions, please contact Kris Fuller by calling 989-790-5372 work or 989-714-0193 cell.


Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones!!



Kris Fuller and Susan Wesseldyke

2024 MECRA Conference Co-Chairs

Election of Officers and Court Reporter of the Year

The following officers are slated for election in 2023:


  • President

  • Second Vice President


Please complete the attached nomination form by August 28, 2024 with the link below.  Feel free to review the positions below for a description of each officer's position.






Descriptions of Duties

(detailed duties to be published in MECRA Policy and Procedures):





PRESIDENT. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation. He or she shall have general and active management of the business of the corporation and shall see that all orders and resolutions of The Board are carried into effect. He or she shall appoint the Chairperson of the Standing Committees, be an ex-officio member of all such committees and shall have the general powers and duties of supervision and management usually vested in the office of President of a corporation.


SECTION 2. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT. The First Vice President shall preside over meetings of The Board in the absence or inability of the President to preside and shall assist the President as requested in furthering the objectives of the corporation.


SECTION 3. SECOND VICE PRESIDENT. The Second Vice President shall assist the President as requested.


SECTION 4. RECORDING SECRETARY. The Recording Secretary shall take minutes at all meetings, including meetings of The Board and provide a written report of all such meetings.


SECTION 5. CORRESPONDENCE SECRETARY. The Corresponding Secretary shall take care of all correspondence relevant to the corporation activities and any further duties as might fall in the category of correspondence at the direction of the President.


SECTION 6. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall maintain all accounts and financial records of the corporation and prepare an annual report and perform all other such duties usually incidental to this office. This position receives compensation after review of budgets and approval of the majority of the board. 


Additional appointments:


EDITOR. The Editor of The Transcript shall maintain newsletter on behalf of the corporation and reports to the board.  The Editor position follows the guidelines of the appointment process provided in the corporation bylaws.  This position receives compensation after review of budgets and approval of the majority of the board. 


LEGISLATIVE CHAIR. The Legislative Chair shall coordinate and advocate on behalf of the membership of MECRA.  This position does not receive compensation.  The Legislative Chair may consult with the board to receive funds to lobby on behalf of MECRA.


MEDIA DIRECTOR. The Media Director shall maintain the website and electronic communications process on behalf of the corporation and reports to the board.  The Media Director position follows the guidelines of the appointment process provided in the corporation bylaws.  This position receives compensation after review of budgets and approval of the majority of the board. 


CONFERENCE CHAIR. The Conference Chair/s shall coordinate events on behalf of the MECRA membership.  The Conference committee shall present all event details to the MECRA board along with a summary of the financial aspects.  After review of the venue options and financial aspects of the event, the MECRA board shall place a vote accepting the Conference Committees plans.  The Treasurer shall execute the contract with all vendors for payment. (Detailed instructions for Conference Planning will be published in MECRAs Policy and Procedures.


2024 Conference Agenda 

All attendees will receive continued education certificates at the end of the conference.



11:30 pm until 1:00 pm


1:00 pm

Annual Meeting and Election of Officers

2:30 pm

Educational Segments/Speakers

4:45 pm


5:15 pm
Networking, Awards, and Hors d'oeuvres


8:00 am
Vendor Recognition

9:00 am
Educational Segments/Speakers




New Member Recognition

1:30 pm   

Educational Segments/Speakers


4:45 pm




8:00 am


9:00 am
Educational Segments/Speakers

11:30 pm

Issue Professional Development Certificates


11:45 pm



**The complete agenda will be posted by June 15th.  Nightly networking activity registration will be emailed to everyone after conference registration is received.


Here is our educational line up for the conference:


  • Punctuation

  • Grammar

  • Transcript Format

  • Shortcuts in Word

  • Manual review of new updates

  • Freelance Forum

  • Meet and Greet with Robin Wolfert

  • Joint virtual session with National Courts Association and SCAO

  • Board of Review expectations when producing a transcript and logging during a proceeding

  • Importance of Continued Education for CEOs, CERS, and Video Operators

  • Multitasking in the courtroom


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